Monday, July 13, 2015


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. -- Hebrews 13:8 NIV

He was the Word, before creation. He was the Son of man, the Son of GOD, while He was on earth. He, the Son, sits at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory, Judge and King of an everlasting realm.

He is - always - Jesus.

Jesus loves us: Before we were born, before we accepted Him as our Lord. While we are weak, when we are strong. He loves us when we repent, and loves us enough that when we sin, He is sorrowed. As often as we turn back to Him, He forgives us, and rejoices.

He loves us when He judges us at the end of days. We who have turned to Him and loved our GOD are welcomed into His Father's house, where there are rooms for us all.

Does He love the ones who turn from Him? Yes, I think He does. Enough that He waits with open arms 'til their dying breaths. Enough to be sorrowed when He reveals His just judgement which sends them from the presence of the Triune GOD, I AM, who is Love.

He is our Promise, and our Reward. He is our adoptive Brother. He is our Lord.

We see Jesus in so many ways, some only known to ourselves, but He isn't one of these, He is All at all times,

He is - always - Jesus.


  1. Sister Sharon, I really enjoyed your subject today. I havebonly rediscovered God in 2011. I gave up on religion in 1981 when my brother was killed being washed out to sea on Guam while in the Airforce. He was only 21. I was a very angry and bitter man for 30 years.

    I just found Jesus again in 2011 when I survivedc2 seizures while on Thanksgiving vacation with my mom. I decided that God had a plan for me and I decided to become a minister tobhelp others in need.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Brother Bob, It is easy to be angry with GOD, sometimes too easy. I think I did for many years simply because I couldn't blame anyone else. We, at least I, can be angry at the one person we know won't turn from us. Somewhere inside I knew He would still love me, even if I didn't think so.
