Thursday, July 16, 2015

Faith's Works by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. -- James 2:17 NIV
I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds. -- Acts 26:20 NIV

I read once that Martin Luther wanted to omit James from the Protestant Bible because it talks about faith matched to works. His firm belief was "sola gratia" - "by grace alone." James seems not to fit in.
I think it depends (as so much does) on your perspective. James can be seemed to say you need works to have faith. But it can also mean faith leads to works as an expression of the changed person.

And then we go to Acts. There Paul says those who repented (came to Jesus - found faith) should show their change of heart with their deeds. Here repentance resulted in Christ-like behaviour. Does the true Christian feed the poor to buy their way into heaven? No. The true Christian feeds the poor out of love which comes through their change of heart toward Christ. Do the true and false Christians look the same from the outside? Probably. I say "probably" because motivation affects how we perform an action. You don't have to be a cheerful giver when you're buying your way into heaven. That's from the outside in and reminds me of the Pharisees' "whitewashed tombs."

When your actions - your deeds - are an outward manifestation of your Spirit-filled heart, giving becomes cheerful. No "I'm better than you." No resentment. Just the joy of sharing Christ's love with others.
Instead of faith without deeds is dead try deeds without faith are dead. Think about it awhile.
May my deeds always live.

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